The field of arctic social science is dependent on peaceful and safe cooperation between institutions and countries across the Arctic, in order to flourish and bring about fruitful scientific research. Military conflicts do not allow for this basic condition to be fulfilled. IASSA must therefore condemn the current war in Ukraine due to the Russian invasion.

IASSA believes that social science in the Arctic must be brought forward by partnerships not only between scientists across the field, but also through collaborations on a higher level between the countries in which the scientists reside.

IASSA aligns with the International Science Council in expressing concern regarding the current war in Ukraine, and stands behind the ISC statements that

“…. the current conflict in Ukraine and its consequences will hamper the power of science to solve problems when we should be harnessing it…. the severe outcomes that conflict will have on the research and academic community…” and “Ultimately the isolation and exclusion of important scientific communities is detrimental to all.”

We also support the joint statement on Arctic Council Cooperation following Russia´s Invasion of Ukraine issued by Canada, the Kingdom of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the United States 


Issued by the IASSA President and the IASSA Secretariat.

Contact Information

IASSA Secretariat

Nord University
Universitetsalleen 11
P.o. Box 1490
8049 BODØ

Phone:  +47 75 51 79 91

Contact information



Information on previous IASSA Secretariats can be found at the IASSA history page.


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  • Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
  • University of the Arctic
  • International Arctic Science Committee