IASSA Council reseased a major update to the IASSA Principles and Guidelines for Conducting Ethical Research in the Arctic. This statement of principles has been formulated in accordance with the IASSA Bylaws and approved by the IASSA Council. These Principles provide guidelines for all researchers working in the North in the social, natural and health sciences, and in the humanities. 
The updated document can be found at: https://iassa.org/about-iassa/research-principles  

Contact Information

IASSA Secretariat

Nord University
Universitetsalleen 11
P.o. Box 1490
8049 BODØ

Phone:  +47 75 51 79 91

Contact information


Website: www.iassa.org

Information on previous IASSA Secretariats can be found at the IASSA history page.


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  • Association of Polar Early Career Scientists
  • University of the Arctic
  • International Arctic Science Committee