IASSA secretariat has released this winter's Northern Notes 59. The 59th iteration of Northern Notes includes contributions reflecting both on the specificities of Arctic research and why it matters in the face of global challenges. Be on the lookout for the call for contributions to Northern Notes 60 which will include a taste of what’s to come during the Arctic congress.

"Just transitions" at COP 28, where Berit Kristoffersen and Roman Sidortstov give a summary of their time at the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28). 

Portrait: Magali Vullierme. A feature of Magali Vuillerme that has been studying and working on Arctic sub-regions for the past ten years. 

"The Global Arctic" by Bjørn P. Kaltenborn, which is a senior research scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) and Vice President at the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research. 

New publication from Sverker Sjölin, "Resource Extraction and Arctic Communities. The New Extractivist paradigm". 

Northen Notes 59 also contains a letter from president Grete Hovelsrud, from the editorial team, as well as information about the last chance to submit abstracts for ICASS XI. 


Read Northern Notes issue 59 here

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